
  1. BrainWise is a purely educational and informative resource, not a replacement for professional advice, diagnosis, or therapy.
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  9. Before making any modifications to their treatment plan, users should always seek the opinion of a trained healthcare practitioner or mental health specialist.
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  20. We retain the right, at any time and without notice, to alter or modify these terms and conditions.
  21. The content on our website and app is not intended to replace professional counselling or treatment.
  22. Users should not make decisions regarding their mental health care based entirely on the information given on our website or app.
  23. We make no guarantees that the content on our website and app is up to date, correct, or full.
  24. Users accept full responsibility for how they utilise the information on our website and app.
  25. BrainWise usage does not establish a professional-client relationship between the user and BrainWise or its affiliates
Mind-Boosting Apps for Students: Top Mental Health Apps for Students

Being an understudy can be extreme. From going to classes, considering exams, and completing assignments, to keeping up a social life and taking care of individual obligations, it can be overpowering. The weight to perform well scholastically can be overwhelming, and it can take a toll on students’ mental wellbeing. The push and uneasiness that come with scholarly weight can lead to burnout and other mental wellbeing issues, making it fundamental for understudies to require care of their mental wellbeing.  

Mind-Boosting Apps for Students: Top Mental Health Apps for Students

Being an understudy can be extreme. From going to classes, considering exams, and completing assignments, to keeping up a social life and taking care of individual obligations, it can be overpowering. The weight to perform well scholastically can be overwhelming, and it can take a toll on students’ mental wellbeing. The push and uneasiness that come with scholarly weight can lead to burnout and other mental wellbeing issues, making it fundamental for understudies to require care of their mental wellbeing.